woman in office space wondering if she needs professional addiction treatment for opioid dependence

Recognizing Signs of Opioid Dependence

The opioid crisis has become a significant public health issue, affecting countless individuals and families across the United States. In response to this crisis, it has become increasingly essential to recognize the signs of opioid dependence and acknowledge the importance of seeking professional addiction treatment. This requires gaining insight into the various aspects of opioid…

man looking out window contemplating benefits of opioid treatment programs

When to Seek Out Opioid Treatment Programs

According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 100,306 Americans died from drug overdoses in the 12 months ending April 2021, representing a 28.5% increase from the same period in the prior year. Provisional data indicate 75,673 overdose deaths were from opioids, up from 56,064. These numbers glaringly show that, despite national efforts…