a person engages in sound bowl therapy after discovering how holistic therapy can help with substance abuse

How Holistic Therapy Can Help with Substance Abuse

Substance abuse impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including their physical, mental, and emotional well-being—and that means that treatment needs to address all of these areas as well. Holistic therapy is an approach to counseling that takes into consideration the whole person rather than just focusing on specific symptoms or behaviors. Holistic therapy can…

woman learns she needs residential treatment

How COVID Has Changed Residential Treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area

The current global health crisis has affected how residential and outpatient services treatment centers operate. If you or someone you care about is battling addiction, understanding how things have changed as we move forward in this pandemic will be helpful. Even with the delivery of safe, effective vaccines, residential treatment and outpatient services, whether in…

Veteran get alcohol addiction treatment center in the bay area

Alcohol Addiction Treatment for Veterans in the San Francisco Bay Area

Throughout our country’s history, individuals have answered the call to protect the American way of life by enlisting in one of the branches of the military. These men and women who have chosen to defend our country deserve to be taken care of when they return to civilian life. Unfortunately, there are many veterans, especially…

Yoga for Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery

More and more people are discovering the benefits of yoga for those individuals who are seeking recovery from addiction. Roy King, PhD, MD from Stanford University has studied the biological impact of yoga on drug abuse. What he found is that by inhibiting the dopamine impulse, which addicts get from using, yoga helps to inhibit…

Denial and Drug and Alcohol Abuse

In times of great stress, we shut down our awareness emotionally, sometimes intellectually and occasionally physically. Denial is a built-in mechanism operated to screen out devastating information and to prevent us from becoming overloaded. Denial is a conscious or unconscious defense that all of us use to avoid, reduce, or prevent anxiety when we are…