woman learns about cbt vs. dbt


On your recovery journey, a wide variety of therapeutic modalities can play pivotal roles in your path to healing. At New Bridge Foundation®, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are integral components of our addiction treatment programs. Each therapy provides unique benefits that support your recovery, addressing both the underlying causes of addiction…

Counselor listen to client talk in individual counseling

The Role of Individual Counseling in Addiction Recovery

Ready to tackle recovery head-on? At New Bridge Foundation®, your journey includes a blend of counseling methods—each playing its unique part in your path to sobriety. Central to this approach is individual counseling. Why? Because sometimes, the deepest insights come from a one-on-one conversation. In these sessions—just you and your counselor—you’ll dive into the intricacies…


In our quest to continually refine and improve our treatment programs, several of our clinicians were recently trained in Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE). In case you haven’t heard about MORE, it is an evidence-based therapy which is supported by more than 12 clinical trials, in addition to also receiving 60 million dollars in Federal Research…

a veteran talks with a counselor about the importance of ptsd treatment for veterans

The Importance of PTSD Treatment for Veterans

The sacrifices made by active–duty military personnel and veterans are invaluable. They risk their lives, face extreme danger and trauma, and witness atrocities that most people can never imagine. Unfortunately, many military members return home from their service and struggle with mental health issues, especially post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For many, PTSD and addiction go…

a person engages in sound bowl therapy after discovering how holistic therapy can help with substance abuse

How Holistic Therapy Can Help with Substance Abuse

Substance abuse impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including their physical, mental, and emotional well-being—and that means that treatment needs to address all of these areas as well. Holistic therapy is an approach to counseling that takes into consideration the whole person rather than just focusing on specific symptoms or behaviors. Holistic therapy can…