In our quest to continually refine and improve our treatment programs, several of our clinicians were recently trained in Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE). In case you haven’t heard about MORE, it is an evidence-based therapy which is supported by more than 12 clinical trials, in addition to also receiving 60 million dollars in Federal Research…

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness.

  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified, what they call, eight dimensions of wellness.  The thought is that, if individuals focus on these eight dimensions, they can optimize their health. Every aspect of wellness can affect a person’s life so it is important to focus on all eight of them.…

individual vs group therapy

Individual Vs Group Therapy: Pros and Cons of Each

There are two basic types of therapy, individual therapy, and group therapy. Both can be useful addiction counseling services. When considering individual vs group therapy, it’s important to know that both have advantages. At New Bridge Foundation®, we see the inherent value of both of these services and ensure that individuals will have access to…

National Military Appreciation Month

Every May, we celebrate National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM), a declaration that encourages United States citizens to observe the month of May by honoring the current and former members of the U.S Armed Forces, including those who died serving their country. Introduced in 1999 by Senator John McCain, both the Senate and House of Representatives…

DBT And Substance Abuse. What Is DBT? DBT is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Developed in the 1970s by Dr. Marsha Linehan, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an effective treatment for people with serious self-harming behaviors or those with complex or severe mental disorders. DBT has also been successful with many substance abusers as addiction can be viewed as a self-harming behavior. Addicts often suffer numerous negative consequences from…