On April 5, 2018 the US surgeon general issued a rare public health advisory recommending that more Americans carry the life-saving drug Naloxone. The last such advisory was issued in 2005 and focused on drinking during pregnancy.
Naloxone, also known as Narcan ,can be administered to save the life of someone who is overdosing on opioids, such as heroin and prescription pain medications. The United States is facing a huge health crisis attributed to the opioid epidemic. The number of overdose deaths from opioids has doubled in recent years. In the United States in 2010 there were 21,089 deaths and in 2016 there were 42,249 deaths.
The idea is that if more people have Naloxone on hand, more lives can be saved. Surgeon General Jerome Adams says, “It’s easy to use, its life saving, and it’s available throughout the country fairly easily.” He has also been quoted as saying that he is committed to ensuring that the price of Naloxone does not prevent anyone from getting it.
Communities have been working together to expand access to Naloxone. It is currently available in retail pharmacies in most states, without a prescription, including CVS and Walgreens. Dr. Adams believes that we should think of Naloxone like we do the EpiPen or CPR. According to Dr. Adams, “no mother should have to bury their child-especially not when there is a life-saving medication that virtually anyone can access.”
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