With Christmas and New Year’s almost here, it is important for people in recovery to have a plan of action to help maintain sobriety during the holiday season. Holiday stress, expectations, and endless holiday parties and gatherings make this time of year difficult for individuals who are trying to abstain from drugs and alcohol.
The following tips for staying sober during the holidays, can assist you in getting through the next 6 weeks with your recovery intact;
1. Plan each day of your holiday season; be prepared and plan to spend as much time as you can with people who support your recovery.
2. Find a meeting in your area; don’t skip your regular meetings and find meetings out of town if you are traveling.
3. Ask for support from family and friends.
4. Have a prepared list of ten people you can call if you need to. Carry your cell phone and your list with you at all times.
5. Don’t forget about regular exercise and to not overeat.
6. Stay away from slippery places; there is no reason to check out a former hangout or past using friends.
7. Create new traditions; host a sober party, make holiday crafts or any other sober holiday idea that comes to your mind.
8. Remember gratitude; write out a gratitude list. Counting your blessings and focusing on what you have will help with the holiday blues.
9. Volunteer your services; giving back to others is a surefire way to give something to yourself.
10. Remind yourself why staying sober is important to you; write it down and carry it with you.
11. Avoid H.A.L.T- Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired; paying attention to H.A.L.T is especially important during the stressful holiday season.
12. Live one day at a time and celebrate your recovery.