veteran and therapist shake hands while talking about finding a rehab center for veterans in berkeley ca

Find a Rehab Center for Veterans in Berkeley, CA

It’s an unfortunate reality that many veterans, after serving our nation with courage and dedication, face the challenges of substance abuse and mental health issues. The journey to recovery can be full of challenges, and that’s why it’s so important to find a competent rehab center for veterans. In Berkeley, CA, there’s a beacon of…

woman talks with therapist about the benefits of a detox program

3 Benefits of a Detox Program

The journey to recovery often begins with detoxification, more commonly known as detox. A detox program is a process that helps clients overcome their physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. When someone stops using drugs or alcohol, their body experiences withdrawal symptoms that can be painful, uncomfortable, and even dangerous. A detox program provides medical…

therapist and client discuss the benefits of short-term residential rehab

5 Benefits of Short-Term Residential Rehab

The type of treatment you choose can make a significant impact on your recovery journey. If drug or alcohol addiction has taken hold of your life, a short-term residential rehab program may be the solution you need. At New Bridge Foundation®, we offer a comprehensive short-term residential rehab program that includes detox, residential treatment, and…

woman with curly hair considers the effects of cocaine on mental health

How Cocaine Impacts Your Mental Health

Cocaine, a powerful stimulant, can have profound and lasting impacts on both mental and physical health. At New Bridge Foundation®, we are committed to helping you understand these effects and, more importantly, to providing support for those who are dealing with the challenges of addiction. Cocaine’s influence on the brain is complex, often leading to…

Young man exhibiting signs of ecstasy abuse sits on bed in darkened room

Signs of Ecstasy Abuse

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a potent synthetic drug that alters mood and sensory perception. While it’s often associated with partying and the club scene, many people use ecstasy for its calming and energizing effects. It’s important to recognize the signs of ecstasy abuse since recreational use can turn into an addiction over time.…

man in long-term alcohol rehab being consoled in a group therapy session

Benefits of Long-Term Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol use disorder is difficult to overcome, often requiring more than willpower alone. Long-term alcohol addiction can lead to serious health problems and negatively impact every aspect of life. One of the most effective ways to overcome alcohol addiction is through professional treatment. At New Bridge Foundation®, we offer effective, affordable long-term alcohol rehab designed…
