Denial and Drug and Alcohol Abuse

In times of great stress, we shut down our awareness emotionally, sometimes intellectually and occasionally physically. Denial is a built-in mechanism operated to screen out devastating information and to prevent us from becoming overloaded. Denial is a conscious or unconscious defense that all of us use to avoid, reduce, or prevent anxiety when we are…


How Unhealthy “Self-Talk” Hurts Your Sobriety

Here are some classic examples of negative self-talk that foster depression, hopelessness, low self esteem, suspiciousness of others and anxiety. Who needs it?! Black and White Thinking: This is the tendency to see things in an all-or-nothing fashion. Beware of words like “never,” “always,” “nothing” and “everyone.” If you think there are only two choices…


Pot Exposure in Kids Younger than Six up 610% in States Where Pot is Legal

From 2006-2013, the rate of marijuana exposure among children younger than six rose by 147.5%, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. In states that legalized medical marijuana use, the rate of exposure increased by almost 610%. The research was comprised from the National Poison Data System data, which compiles…


Restrictive Alcohol Policies Reduce Teen Drinking

A recent study from the Boston University School of Public Health has found that teens drink less in states that have more stringent alcohol policies, even if those policies are targeted at adults. Researchers created a scoring system to assess the strength of alcohol-related policies in the US. The policies include alcohol taxing, restricting sales to…
